Getting more customers from social media takes a little effort or a lot of money. A simple post a day on your facebook page is all it takes and it is free. Should you post to fb page daily?
Why? Facebook doesn’t even show it to people in the feed much at all anymore.
It doesn’t matter.
A daily social media post sends a message to new visitors who find your page. People checking you out before working with you. It shows you are still in business TODAY. It shows you know how to run a business well.
It makes you look better
Social media is all about staying in contact and being available.
If you search for a business on facebook and find them but they haven’t posted in 6 months what do you think to yourself?
Social Media is BRANDING – easy branding
Most of your competitors wont do it. You look better when you have an active facebook page or any social media for that matter.
It is simpler than you think.
A simple image post and a short text blurb once a day is all it takes to look great. If you do them ahead of time, it is easy.
What I do often is get 90 images done at any number of places online. You just need a great looking image with a tip or helpful advice on it. I am sure you have seen them before. You can hire a designer to make them for about $300 easily. Or make them yourself, they don’t have to be fancy.
Now you have 90 images ready to go. Post one a day and write a short sentence that relates or helps them. Hit post. Bingo. Social media DONE.
I do that daily or I schedule a weeks worth to go out at one time on sunday night.
Or you can let me do it for you. I offer social media posting done for you. With this low priced service, you don’t have to do anything. I do all the work. Write the content, design the images with your logo and schedule the posts to go out daily forever.
Most people plan to post daily and it just rarely gets done. They are too busy already in the business.
It is worth doing. Even if you wonder why should you post to facebook page daily.
Bottom line is if you post daily and your competitors don’t .. You LOOK BETTER!
I hope you understand the reasons why you should post to fb page daily.
Contact us if you want any help with your social media posting. It is our specialty.